Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm just out here trying to function ((:

"You gotta dream like you never seen obstacles"

If we choose to see the obstacles that lie in our paths on the road to becoming who we truly want to be, then that is all we will see. We will fail before we even try because we will allow ourselves to be set up for this failure. Remember that your problems are only as big as you allow them to be.

When we are going through the toughest times in our lives we have to make the decision to continue to follow our dreams no matter what, and keep going. The strength of all the obstacles that we are able to conquer during our lifetime is the strength that we will receive to help us get past the obstacles that still lie in our path. So become as strong as you need to become by never running away from your problems. Rather, seek out the obstacles that seem to seek out to destroy you and your dream, take the strength you get from overcoming this adversity, and use it to continue to beat whatever may try to burden us in the future.

live your life

xo Toni Champaheuang

Monday, May 14, 2012

No I'm Not Lucky, I'm Blessed, YES!

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Mae West

There have been things in my life I wish I can take back and things that I think to myself over and over again 'WTF really?'...but in all honesty, dwelling on the mistakes and wrong doings of my past is not going to make me an even better person today because only I can turn this frown upside down and make the most of my life. In order to move on and let it all go, I have to be positive and own the past, take it as it is, and move forward. People are always going to be there to judge you but I learn that regardless, they don't know who I am and it's understandable for people to judge based on what they see and hear. As long as I remember who I am and stick to myself heart and soul, there isn't anything that I can't handle.

My advice: be true to yourself no matter what and have faith in all you do because mistakes are there for us to learn and grow from, to be a better person, and love life more for it

#you live and you learn

<3 Toni Champaheuang